Thursday, March 8, 2018


"उसने अपनी जिंदगी में बहुत सी मौतें देखी हैं। मगर वो इंसानो की मौत से ज्यादा , रिश्तों की मौत से टूटी है ।
लोग मर जाते हैं, मरेंगें ही ।
मगर उनके मरने से पहले बहुत कुछ मरता है उनके अंदर।"

"The tragedy of life is not death,
But what we let die inside of us while we live.!!"
   ~Norman cousins

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


We will forget him!
You and I-tonight!
You may forget the warmth he gave I will forget the light!
When you have done, pray tell me That I may straight begin!
lest while you're lagging I remember him!

~Emily Dickinson

Wednesday, January 31, 2018


           In my own imaginations
      A maze of feelings to understand
               I found no way out
          Blindfolded my eyes were
                    So was my heart
                What ifs daunted me
                Heart racing it was
                   To realise that
           I was lost in our memories
                 Not imaginations
                     Just reality
              I never wanted to face
                         I still am
                    Because I am
             Still finding a pathway
                  Away from you
                        And pain

Thursday, January 25, 2018


There is a storm in my life,
And everyone is not so kind,

The slow wind....blow from a side..
And destroy the whole of my life.

I am telling my feeling to one's,
But no one hear me at once.

One day this storm will go,
By striking my life and whole.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

My Happy place 😁😅

For me A toilet is a happy place,
When you want to see your real face.

Thousand of ideas..
Running on your mind,
When the leaves are shaking outside..
With a blow of wind.

We can sit here for hours and hours,
Because this time is purely ours.

You can get some good ideas here,
And implement them anywhere.

I get that peace of mind,
Which I unable to find,
Just by thinking,
While pooping.

Scribbles of the gone : 1

Alone Under the Sky with thoughts striking by those birds on the trunks seems to be in joy. How lucky was that paper to be in the hand of an...