Thursday, October 7, 2021

Book Review: A house full of men

Title: A house full of men
Author: Parinda joshi
Length:357 pages
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: HarperCollins India
Edition: Paperback/Kindle

Written in a eloquent manner , this book revolves around the story of Kritidhara pant aka Kittu , A girl aged twenty five , responsible,  beautiful and independent . the story is setup in the streets of Lucknow. Kittu is living in a house with 5 mens Her grandpa, father , two brothers , one dog and her 3 am friend in a picture. this is where the title justifies the story.

Stroy is all about her realization journey of realizing that this is not just a house full of men but a house full of people who love each other fiercely. Story is gripping and engaging. 

I really enjoyed reading this book , characterization is done very well that it seems author speak through one of the characters. story is written in the 3rd person PoV who can reveal what all the characters are thinking and doing at all times.

I highly recommend this book to all fiction lovers give it a try , the story will keep you hooked till the last page.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

आप भी देखना बाबा!

पिता की गैर मौजूदगी में
खुद से खरीदे हुए
बाजार के खिलौने
हमे खुश नहीं करते ,

खुरच देते हैं दिल की दीवारों को
और उकेर देते हैं हमारे खालीपन को,
एहसास दिलाते हैं किसी की गैरमौजूदगी
और बच्चा खिलौने खरीदना छोड़ देता है।
सब्जियों के दाम पता करते करते
कब उसके भीतर का बच्चा मर जाता है
पता ही नहीं चलता, वो पत्थर और वक्त के साथ
कम उम्र का पहाड़ बन जाता है
बिल्कुल अपनी माँ जैसा,
ठीक वैसे ही
माँ के सफेद कपड़ों पर
अब कोई मौसम नहीं खिलते
जैसे वो जिंदगी को भी
घर के काम जैसा बस पूरा कर रही हो,
किसी जश्न के मौके पर
जब तस्तरी रंगो से भरी जाती है
तब एक खांचा हमेशा ख़ाली रहता है
वो कभी रंगीन नहीं होता
वो रूह का खालीपन होता है
उस खांचे को भरा नहीं जा सकता,
यह खालीपन जैसे
खूबसूरत घर पर छत का न होना
खुद के साए का खुद से जुदा होना
और ऐसे मौकों पर अक्सर
हम सब आपस में मिलकर भी अकेले रह जाते हैं,
इन तंगहाली में
दूसरों के सलामती के सवाल
हमारी खामोशी को छील देते हैं
जैसे खुरच देते हैं
पर खामोशी तोड़ नहीं पाते,
फिर भी इस खामोशी को समेटे
हमारे जी भर जी लेने के जतन से
तकदीर की लकीरें चिढ़ेंगी हमसे,
एक दिन उठ खड़े होंगे
दुनिया जीतने के लिए,

आप भी देखना बाबा!

~सुभाष सोनी

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Book Review: Linger when you're gone

Title: Linger when you're gone
Author: Chitra padmana
Genre: Psychological thriller
Edition: Kindle
Length:184 pages

Linger, When You’re Gone narrates the story of Miris and her dead boyfriend, whose smell and memories haunt her. The death of her best friend Veenu forced her to come out of her depressive world and plays a vital role in unraveling the mystery behind her death. 

The entire story was cleverly crafted smelling ability of Miris. It added the much-required freshness to the storyline and alertness to know how things will take a turn. Also, the way the author created eeriness and something sinister-to-happen kind of atmosphere was superb to read.

The narrative settles down as she finds a purpose. The book continues to be complex but interesting. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Book Review: I found you

Title: I found you
Author: G.Sri Nandhini and Praneeth chandra
Length: 240 pages
Edition: Kindle/Paperback
Genre: Fictional Poetry

This book is a collection of poems written in a really simple language on different different topics Such as : Love, Betrayal, Pain , Friendship and family. Book is divided into Seven Chapters and it is self-published.

The book came with goodies , Bookmark, Card and a personalized letter , I like all of them. The book cover is very well designed. Poetries are short but Engaging. I love some of them. I have finished this book in a single sitting , Swipe left to read some of the poems.

I highly recommend this book to everyone who enjoys reading Poetries, its an light and short read , Give it a try. the language is Beginner friendly , My one of the favourite poem from this book is:

Where ever you go

Whatever you do

How much you earn doesn't matter

At the end of the day

You are just kid

For your family

Monday, March 1, 2021

Book Review: The Girl who sparked singularity

Title: The Girl who sparked singularity
Author: Cliff Ratza
Genre: Fantasy and Sci-fi
Edition: Kindle
Length: 394 pages

Sharing third book i read by author Cliff Ratza, After reading all three books i must say that his books are so underrated, He deserves more popularity and recognition.

Let's talk about book, As we can clearly comprehend by the title itself, that the main protagonist of the book is female, Electra Kittner. This is the last book in the lightning series.

The plot is setted up in future. There is physics, There is technology, There is psychology and what not. in short it is power-packed thriller.

Story revolves around Electra She is facing some cyber vulnerabilities from a hidden hacker. She decided to trace and expose him. Will she able to find her or will she give up? To know more about this read this book it's available on Amazon.

Book cover is very well illustrated . Language is simple and lucid.
I recommend this book to everyone who enjoy reading thrillers.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Book Review: The keepers of lightning brain

Title: The keepers of lightning brain
Author: Cliff Ratza
Genre: Mixed (fantasy & Sci-fi)
Edition: Kindle
Length: 295 pages

This book is written by the same author who wrote "Reflections through life's hourglass", so here is Another thrilling story by the Author Cliff Ratza. Before coming to the story let's talk about the cover first its pretty eye-catching and very well designed . The story revolves around a old lady who survives who is the survivor of an helicopter crash.

Again the Characterization is really strong and story is thrilling and exciting. Language is lucid and simple . Writing style is pretty mature . I would highly recommend this book to all those who love reading thrillers, Give it a try, It won't disappoint you.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Book Review: Reflections through life's hourglass

Title: Reflections through life's hourglass
Author: Cliff Ratza
Genre: Poetry(Mixed)
Edition: Kindle
Length: 90 pages

About the Writer:

Cliff Ratza would describe himself as a “simple scholar” 
who enjoys putting into verse his views on “the Human 
Condition.” His poems are written on the run while 
thoughts occur as he moves through the day. He teaches 
at Chicago area universities, which he combines with 
business and writing careers. 

About book:

This book is a collection of 88 short poems which are written in mixed Genre. Poems are based on confession of a fitness addict, Remorse, Rememberance , imagination and much more. Language is lucid and comprehensible, Writing style is pretty good.  I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a light read. One can easily finish the book in Single sitting. 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Book Review : Skyfall

Title: Skyfall
Author: Saba Karim Khan
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Length: 283 pages
Edition: Paperback/Kindle

#qotd: Who is the kindest person you know?

It's really hard to believe that it is author's debut book, But it is. An award winning filmmaker and a educator Saba karim khan poured her heart out while writing this book and while reading you can feel the efforts she put into the book.

Story is set up in Pakistan and NY, it is based on a girl Rania, Born in Heera mandi a famous red light district of Lahore. She is a fighter, by profession she is a tour-guide and a marvelous singer by night. Rania's father is a pimp, he sells her mother's body and also forcing his daughter to do the same.

But Rania is not the one who suffers silently, She decided to speak up and she did. on a normal day while serving as a tour-guide , She met with Asher, A indian filmmaker. Asher encourage her to pursue her dream, but how? What are the consequences when her father got to know about them? What will happen with her ?Will she able to survive? to know about all these things go and grab the book .

its not just an ordinary story , it is the story of Struggle for an individual's freedom, It is the story of harassment, Terrorism , love and the pain of suffering, the story of seeking justice for the lost loved ones.

The book is divided into three parts: Nightfall, Day and Dawn. Language is comprehensible . Writing style is perfect. i would highly recommend this book to everyone, Do give it a read please.

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Scribbles of the gone : 1

Alone Under the Sky with thoughts striking by those birds on the trunks seems to be in joy. How lucky was that paper to be in the hand of an...