Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Book Review: Granny's Chulha

Book Details: 
Title: Granny's Chulha
Author:Udita Bansal and her team
Length: 104 pages
Publisher:The Write Order

This is not simply a regular book; rather, it is an initiative sponsored by High School students with the goal of bringing recognition to the household women who are the primary caregivers for their families. By means of this effort, they gave the grandmothers with a forum where they could communicate their life experiences with the rest of the world and preserve their recipes, experiences, and tales for the benefit of future generations.

During COVID-19, she got the ball rolling on compiling all of the family's stories, which led to the conception of the concept of producing this book and establishing this campaign.

This book is a compilation of the recipes that those women shared , along with their life experiences, the struggles they overcame, and their journeys.

The book is written in a simple manner, and the graphic designer deserves praise for the excellent work they did on the book's presentation of its illustrations.
The book is written in a very well structured style, and it includes not only the ingredients, procedures, and additional recommendations for creating the dishes, but also the preparation time.

I would like to recommend it to  my fellow readers, as well as all of the men, women, and children who are out there, my highest recommendation for this book because of two reasons: the first is that you will get the opportunity to learn how to prepare some really delicious dishes, and the second is that you will definitely get the opportunity to learn from the experiences of these grannies.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Book Review : The Girl in the Crystal capsule

Title: The Girl in the Crystal capsule
Author: Anusha Das
Length: 41 pages
Publisher:The Write Order

This novel was written by a student in the fifth grade, and such a young writer is already achieving remarkable success in today's world.
During Lockdown, she used the opportunity to explore her skill, and this is her first book. She is also working on another novel for a horror fiction anthology.

If I were to talk about this book, it would be unjust to label it a whole book because it is actually only a short narrative. The book makes use of graphics to convey the characters, and it is a one-time brief read that a person can easily complete in thirty minutes.

This book is great for those just starting out and is appropriate for readers between the ages of 3 and 12 years old. It is possible for parents to tell it to their children before night as a bedtime story.
The writing style is rather straightforward, and the terminology is easy to comprehend.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Book Review: Delightful Century of My Poems

Title: Delightful Century of My Poems
Author: Navya Kaushik
Length: 100 pages
Publisher:The Write Order

This book is a collection of 100 poems written by a young author who is 15 years old.
She has also been honoured with a number of accolades for her debut collection of poetry, which includes titles such as "100 Poems written on different themes by a young child, IBR 2021," "Youngest poet award 2020," and "Many More."
This is the second book that she's written.
This book is intended for people who have no prior experience or for our young readership, which ranges in age from 3 to 15 years.
Poems are crafted with impeccable rhythm, and rhyme serves a functional purpose in their construction.
The book is highlighted rather effectively by the use of doodling, and the language is not overly complicated.
To read through this entire book will take you close to an hour. It is a quick book that is highly suggested for children to read in order to gain some inspiration; yet, if you are an adult reader, you may be left with a sense of letdown.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Book Review: Little Tales of Big India

πŸƒTitle: Little Tales of Big India
πŸ‚Author: Sabra Patni
πŸƒLength: 136 pages
πŸ‚Publisher: The Write Order

-->This book is a collection of three different stories concerning crimes that are committed against women on a regular basis .The book addresses and sheds light on some of the most pressing issues facing society today, including sexual assault, the trafficking of children, kidnapping, and the complexities of the Indian legal system.

-->The first story is inspired by real events that actually took place. The narrative then proceeds by recounting how a young woman, while travelling, was subjected to sexual harassment at the hands of other passengers and how she took it upon herself to report this heinous behaviour.The second tale tells the tale of a young girl who, at one point in time, worked selling flowers by the side of the road but who has not been seen or heard from since. The authorities decided to take disciplinary action against everyone who had shown her affection. The resolution was quite painful to experience.
The third account details yet another instance of sexual assault committed against a young woman who dreamed of one day being a renowned football player.

-->The storyline is fairly strong, and the premise of each individual story is developed quite effectively. The most important characters in each story have been presented in a clear and concise manner. The wording is easy to understand and quite thorough.

-->I really suggest it to my fellow readers.

Scribbles of the gone : 1

Alone Under the Sky with thoughts striking by those birds on the trunks seems to be in joy. How lucky was that paper to be in the hand of an...